The Hard Parts of Being Sober I dont regret quitting alcohol, but by Benya Clark Exploring Sobriety

sobriety sucks

It is natural to think that by quitting drinking, these problems will finally go away. It screws with our ability to make sound decisions, leading to risky and often embarrassing behavior. Occasionally, those bad decisions veer into the realm of irreparable damage to our relationships, health, or life. Perhaps not remembering what you did, waking up in jail or another strange place, or finding your well-being compromised. They can feel overwhelming and like they will never end.

  • Join Recovery Connection in celebrating your recovery with our sobriety calculator.
  • You feel like the worst person in the world.

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Then you woke up the next day, and the memories came flooding back. Feelings of guilt, embarrassment, or remorse could consume your day. Just because it “seems” like things will never change, that is not actually the case. The nature of life is change, no matter what. How you feel today — no matter how boring, stifling, angering, or depressing it may be — will be different tomorrow. Your feelings will look different in a day, a week, a month, and a year, so look to the future with optimism.

Do better things with your time.

  • This Ted Talk discusses the value of community in recovery further and is worth having a listen.
  • Sobriety comes with a lot of negative dwelling.
  • Hi we’re Jack and Meredith and we’re alcoholics.
  • I have changed a lot as a person and have worked entirely on myself I know my limits and have educated myself and I’m in a really good position in my life.

Stand up and say, I’m having a rough time, and any extra support is appreciated. One of the things that I truly loved about substances was that they gave me an escape; an escape from my problems, an escape from my incessant worrying, an escape from reality. When I got sober, I didn’t miss the actual substances or the craziness that existed in my life as a direct result of abusing them, but I did miss the escape. And at nearly 5 years sober, sometimes I still Halfway house do. I stopped drinking at the end of 2016 and have stayed sober ever since. I regularly blog about sobriety and normally choose to focus on the benefits I’ve experienced since quitting drinking.

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That’s the key to successful alcohol moderation. Take some compulsiveness, stir in some chaotic mind syndrome, sprinkle on some childhood trauma, and finish it off with a heaping dose of insanity. I’m sick of NA/AA/CA…I’m sick of the boredom, the loneliness, the bullshit talk the same faces, the same story been told over and over again. I’m sick of having nothing to do, I’m sick of been in my own mind, I’m sick of watching everyone enjoy themselves without a care in the world. I cant relate to anyone inside the rooms of NA I was never that “Hardcore” I’m sick of not having sexual encounters with females.

Think Sobriety Sucks? Addiction Is Worse

Because sobriety is not always easy, and even if it’s improved most parts of my life, it’s also damaged a few. I think that anyone who is considering getting sober should know the full truth — not to be discouraged, but to be prepared. We don’t talk enough about the fact that sobriety CAN’T solve your problems. We say, “alcohol has destroyed your life and led you down this path,” which is true, but YOU also had a role in it.

sobriety sucks

Sobriety sucks.

I have amazing relationships, I have a life with meaning, I have an active spiritual life. The juice is completely worth the squeeze. And yes, sometimes I get jealous of my friends that can drink normally. But now, I get to be the person who makes sure they get home safe from the bar. And I’m also the one who doesn’t wake up with a hangover.

  • This quality has not served me well, particularly in sobriety.
  • I have amazing relationships, I have a life with meaning, I have an active spiritual life.
  • It’s hard to face that stuff when you’re newly sober and it has hurled a lot of strong, well-intending people back into relapse.
  • Yes, I no longer have the option of using a substance to escape my feelings or problems.

Sobriety Sucks Big Time!!!!!!

sobriety sucks

Now, not every program or therapy approach will work for you. But you don’t know until you try, and you have to genuinely try. Every day, I felt sad, unmotivated, lost, and unworthy. There are so many emotional benefits to volunteer work that you could use right now. Let’s being sober sucks also acknowledge that most of us who drink alcoholically are self-absorbed.

sobriety sucks

We’re stuck in a miserable job and have lost hope that anything can change. Knowing what you should do isn’t enough. You have to motivate yourself, schedule it in, and consistently do the things that will help you improve your life in recovery.

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