“Grammir” as an ecosystem. Typical inhabitants of the largest Russian exhibition

Over the years of the "gamemaker" in its bowels, its own stable ecosystem has developed. It is partly similar to the ecosystems of other large exhibitions, partly unique. Let's plunge into this full of dangers of the world and together we will see who inhabit it. All the inhabitants of the "game" can be divided into several varieties. Each has its own unique features, appearance, character traits, behavior and is quite easily recognized by the totality of these signs.

The visitor is ordinary

The largest variety of inhabitants of the "game". Huge jackets of visitors flows to the exhibition starting from the first day and fill almost all the allotted space – even that it was not originally intended for visitors. Single visitors can be found in technical rooms and utility rooms, inside the stands and in cars in which participants take away disassembled stands from the exhibition.

Visitor – ubiquitous and omnivorous. His menu includes everything that can be assembled at the stands. Towards the end of each exhibition day, there are always several bags in the visitor's tenacious paws, in which calendars and stickers, mugs and T -shirts, baseball caps and booklets, posters and badges. There is no one’s line of bald, although – who knows how to know.

A separate visitor is generally harmless, peaceful, and indeed – the dear creature. But, gathered in a gang, visitors are capable of great things. Inadvertently break the stand; to hurt, dump and trample the speakers; overturn the plasma; get out of the lead – everything on the shoulder. But it is for the sake of these people that an exhibition is organized. They are the hosts of the holiday, no matter what anyone thought.

PR man

This person is easy to recognize by a hidden forehead, trembling hands and a characteristic of a spent look – although the PR man himself is sure that he radiates good nature and energy. But he is not to blame, just his internal coordinate system has long moved away.

For the past two months, he has been engaged only in preparing for the exhibition. Agreed with the organizers about where his company will be and what size he will be. I invented the scene design and begged developers to do everything on time. When everything was not done on time, he fell into a frenzy and threatened with fines, and realizing that this did not help, humiliated and prayed to hurry.

He chose the leading and girls-standers, ordered costumes and cursed with a printing house, where paints poured over the booklets. He ran to the authorities and approved estimates; He received a hat for not fitting into the budget, and still crawled out of the director’s office with permission to spend another thousand dollars on paper masks, which “so cool from the stand”.

He passed fire, water, copper pipes and seven circles of hell. Now he looks at the fruits of his hands, and only one thought turns in his head – to survive for four more days, and then at least the grass does not grow. It is PR man who arrange the most prolonged libations after the exhibition. But it is difficult to blame them: like no other, PR man knows what to organize a cool stand at an exhibition of this scale.


Usually comes to everything ready and sometimes does not even imagine what awaits him. If the developer is young and inexperienced, then the exhibition can cause him a real shock. Crowds to the people, everyone yells, screeches, hoot. Everyone knows him, the developer, an excellent game (we don’t take very worthless projects), but no one most often knows him himself.

However, in the main halls of the exhibition, the developer is especially once. Its task is to fall into the clawed arms of the press over and over again and give out several typical interviews per day. It's good if there is a special room for this. It is even better if this room is quiet. But if you have to give an interview under a dirty staircase, because the exhibition simply does not have a specially equipped room, then by the end of the first day the developer tears his voice, all the next days speaks in a whisper, and, of course, no one hears him.


Ethmerce creation, which hired to portray the character of the game or simply attract attention with appetizing forms. Most often, stand-up girls have no idea of ​​what computer games are, what they are eaten with and who this "game" has surrendered at all. Each of the stands is selected according to certain characteristics. Someone needs fair-skinned and tall to play the role of elves. Someone-athletically built, but with a magnificent bust for the role of Lara Croft. Someone is looking for cute boys and dressing them in vampires. And someone just wants to find the most sexy young ladies, plant them in a cage and force them to dance days.

The work of the stand -up at any gaming exhibition is a pitch hell. After all, the bulk of visitors are young people. So, they always want to take a picture with you, and along the way, as if inadvertently, feel for the most delicious parts of the body. So it’s no wonder that after the event is completed, far from the most flattering reviews about the exhibition and people who came to it appear in the network diaries of the stands. Sometimes small scandals even flare up from this.

Photographer (and his variety is a movie operator)

A nimble goat capable of crawling (for movie operators it turns out a little worse, because the video camera takes up more space) anywhere and anywhere. Most often, the photographer can be found next to the largest and most bright game stand. Here he mixes with the crowd, tries to get on stage, hides under the skirts of stands – in general, chooses non -standard angles and finds people by surprise. There are not so many specially trained photographers at gaming exhibitions. Because game journalists are already hung with equipment from head to toe and rarely what publication is ready to pay separate money only for the services of a photojournalist. Although there are no rules without exception.


Nimble, skewing belly that came to the exhibition for exclusive materials. The right, suitable journalist is preparing for the exhibition in advance. It is associated with publishers, coordinates the time and format of the interview, draws up a plan of the event so that the meeting does not intersect. Agrees with colleagues in the workshop so that they insure him where the journalist himself will not be able to appear.

The journalist is non -zalamny, unwilling, does not https://sister-site.org/windiggers-casino/ prepare for the exhibition at all: he comes, hoping for the eternal Russian maybe. Maybe it will be possible to get someone to get a conversation. Maybe the developer will have a window between the interview to other publications. Perhaps it will be possible to cheat on a free tartlets with red caviar on a freebie.

Absolutely hopeless journalists do the same as visitors – they gather a loot at the stands and try to drag him away as soon as possible so that colleagues do not see and laugh, because the journalist at the exhibition is supposed to work, and not enrich themselves.

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